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Homeopathy for keeping kids well


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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My kids motivate me every single day to keep myself healthy and to keep them healthy. Working in clinical practice as a Naturopath over the years and treating lots of very unwell children has been a very strong motivator. Also having experienced an awful heart condition as a child myself has definitely shaped my commitment to both my own and my families health. Knowing what it’s like to be sick, I appreciate the importance of health all the more.

These monkeys of mine are 14 and 10 years old and although they’ve had their fair share of colds, sore throats and coughs, neither has ever developed an infection that has called for antibiotics. Both have been in daycare since they were quite young (my 14 yr old was just 5 weeks old when she started in daycare a few days a week) so they have both had plenty of exposure to pathogens. However, they’ve always managed to overcome illness quickly and without the need for any pharmaceutical medication.

Homeopathy for keeping kids well​

I’m often asked what I have done to keep them from getting seriously sick. Well as with any illness, the basics are super important – rest, healing foods and keeping them hydrated (bone broth) are the foundations for restoring their health when acute illness strikes. I also often use herbal medicine (read more about my favourite herbs here).

I also rely strongly on homeopathic remedies for treating acute illness (like colds, cough, earache, sore throats, gastro, aches and pains). Not only are homeopathic remedies tasteless (un-like herbs), they are easy and safe to administer (which is fabulous when they can’t keep anything down) and are also inexpensive and very fast acting. I always travel with a small homeopathic first aid kit because it’s compact and really effective at keeping everyone well when overseas.

How does Homeopathy work?​

According to Homeopathy Awareness

“Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘Like Cures Like’ or the Law of Similars. This is well understood and is used in many systems of medicine including conventional medicine (eg. immunology, allergy treatments and vaccinations). If a substance is capable of causing, it is also capable of curing. This principle was written about by Hippocrates (often called the father of medicine) “By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured.”

However, as yet we do not have a scientific explanation to describe how homeopathic medicines work. The manufacture of homeopathic medicines involves multiple steps of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking). This means that most (although not all) homeopathic medicines are unlikely to contain any molecules of the original substance. So, from a biochemical viewpoint, they shouldn’t work. The interesting challenge for science is that they do work.”

I think a good example to help you understand homeopathy is the remedy Allium Cepa – it’s basically onions. We all know the feeling we get when exposed to raw onion (burning, watery, streaming nose and eyes). Well the homoepathic remedy Allium Cepa is a remedy you’d choose if you had allergies or a head cold with stinging watery eyes and a watery, burning nose (the very same effects you experience cutting an onion).

My hubby the skeptic​

I’m married to a skeptic! However, he is now absolutely converted to the amazing results homeopathy can bring. Apart from seeing the results with acute prescribing, early this year my 14 yr old developed a decent sized growth on her lip which steadily increased in size over 6 months (much to her distress). The doctor advised it was benign and referred her to surgeon to have it removed. In the mean time, we tried a couple of homeopathic remedies and within two days of the right remedy, she woke up and the growth was gone.

My 10 yr old son has recently had a Bakers Cyst (bursitis) behind his knee the size of a ping pong ball. After being confirmed (via ultrasound), we were referred to a specialist. Whilst waiting for the appointment, we tried a couple of homeopathic remedies – then one morning, about 2 weeks after taking an indicated remedy, he woke up and the bursa he’d had for a few years, was gone.

Note- whilst mums can easily handle acute prescribing, it’s obviously best to consult with a homeopath or naturopath for more chronic or tricky conditions. I’ll also state for the record that my kids have both had antibiotics once in their life time after an acute trauma (no more backflips into the pool for my boy whilst on holiday in Bali – seven stitches in his head and a very worried mum!!).

So that’s my experience with Homeopathy, I’m a huge fan and I believe it plays an integral role in keeping myself and my family well.

Questions are welcome, post them in the comments below this thread so everyone can benefit! If you’re a fan of homeopathy, tell us how it’s helped your families health and wellbeing.​

Disclaimer – This post is intended for education and information purposes only. This information is not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe or replace medical care. See ‘Terms of Use‘ for full disclaimer.​

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