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Empowering Voices: How Tobii’s Advanced Eye-Tracking Technology Transforms Lives


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Assistive technology, often overlooked in the gadget ecosystem, plays a crucial role in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities. Simple devices like plastic tab openers for soda cans, though seemingly trivial to many, are vital for those with fine motor control issues. High-tech assistive devices, such as eye trackers that convert eye movements into speech on an iPad, significantly benefit people with ALS, cerebral palsy, autism, and Rett syndrome by facilitating communication. However, such technology remains underused due to lack of awareness and accessibility.

Tobii Dynavox (TD), a leading provider of assistive technology, specializes in eye tracking and offers a range of products including accessible games, accessories, and speech-generating devices. These products are essential for the daily functioning of users with disabilities, differing from the more general consumer-focused eye-tracking technology offered by the broader Tobii Group. Despite the critical role of these technologies, TD faces challenges in making them widely available, hindered by social, economic, and cultural barriers that limit access to and awareness of these assistive devices.

The demand for assistive technology is growing, with two million people diagnosed with a disability each year, yet only 2% have access to assistive communication devices. TD’s CEO Fredrik Ruben emphasizes the urgency of increasing this percentage to avoid failing millions who could benefit from such technology. TD’s range of devices, like the eye-tracking I-Series and TD Pilot, offer life-changing functionalities for users, allowing them to perform tasks like watching Netflix, browsing the web, and sending emails independently. However, the high cost of these devices, coupled with varying healthcare policies across countries, creates significant barriers to access. TD tries to alleviate this by assisting users with insurance coverage, but challenges remain.

Monique Green‘s story illustrates the transformative impact of TD’s technology. Diagnosed with ALS, Green struggled with declining speech and mobility. After experiencing difficulties with a non-TD speech-generating device, she switched to a TD I-Series, which allowed her to control her power chair with eye movements and use text-to-speech for communication. This technology restored a degree of independence to her life, highlighting the critical need for such assistive devices.

TD’s offerings include the TD Pilot, an iPad Pro equipped with eye-tracking and text-to-speech capabilities, and the I-Series, which offers more diverse access methods and compatibility with both Android and iOS devices. While these technologies are revolutionary, they face obstacles in accessibility and awareness. Many professionals, including speech pathologists, lack sufficient training in assistive technologies, leading to a knowledge gap that hinders the widespread adoption of these solutions. TD’s shift towards training and education aims to bridge this gap, but the journey to making assistive technology more accessible and understood is slow but essential.

The Power of A Voice​

The development of communication technologies for people with disabilities is a crucial advancement, providing them with new possibilities and enhancing their quality of life. Technologies like eye-tracking allow individuals, even those with severe disabilities like ALS, to interact with the world and express themselves, significantly impacting their lives and those around them. These innovations not only enable basic communication but also facilitate significant achievements, like attending college. However, the challenge remains in raising awareness and accessibility, as many still lack access to these life-changing tools. The goal is to continue innovating and collaborating with mainstream tech companies to expand accessibility, ultimately aiming to make communication a fundamental human right.

The future of assistive technology holds promise, with TD exploring partnerships and innovations to integrate eye tracking with social media and other platforms. The goal is to create more personalized and effective communication aids, eventually allowing users to use their own voices through these devices. Despite the challenges, the assistive technology market is growing, and with increased awareness and support, it can become more normalized and accessible to those in need.

Source: The Messenger

This blog was written mostly using chatGPT, a potential tool for increased accessibility. Do you think this is an appropriate use of chatGPT? Why or why not? Let me know!

The post Empowering Voices: How Tobii’s Advanced Eye-Tracking Technology Transforms Lives appeared first on Assistive Technology Blog.
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