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Blogging Fast Lane Review 2024


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Wondering if the Aventure in You’s Blogging Fast Lane is worth the investment? In this Blogging Fast Lane review, I’ll go over my experience and show you how it has helped me turn my blog into a full-time job.

Starting a blog is an incredibly fun experience, but it can also be a little overwhelming when you’re new to the world of websites. While there are countless ways to learn about SEO, affiliate marketing, WordPress, and email marketing, buying the Blogging Fast Lane course has been the best decision I’ve made for my site.

In a couple of years of following the strategies you learn in this course, I went from 10.000 monthly views and barely any income to 150.000 monthly views and earn more than I ever have in any full-time job.

In this Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator review, I’ll go over everything you need to know about the course, my own experience and why I recommend it to both beginners and experienced bloggers.

Let’s dive in.

In This Guide
  1. What Is The Bloggers Fast Lane?
  2. Why I Enrolled Into The Blogging Fast Lane
  3. Why Enrol Into The Blogging Fast Lane?

What Is The Bloggers Fast Lane?​

You probably already know a little bit about the Blogging Fast Lane course, since you found this review. But let’s look at a quick overview.

The Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator course is a blogging course created by the successful travel bloggers Tom and Anna from Adventure In You. They’ve been running their site since 2015, which currently earns them $37,000 every. single. month.

It’s safe to say that they’ve nailed their blogging strategy and know exactly how to grow a website into a proper online business.

In the course, they share their blueprint for building an affiliate machine. A website that constantly brings income. And while that may seem too good to be true, many students have seen amazing results with the course – including myself!

So, what’s included?

blogging fast lane review

What will I learn in the Blogging Fast Lane?​

The Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator course teaches you everything you need to know about starting, growing, and maintaining a profitable website in any niche. The classes include:

  • Getting into the right mindset to see your blog as a business
  • Finding your niche and target audience
  • Setting goals
  • Setting up your blog and publishing it
  • How to use affiliate marketing
  • How to use SEO to drive traffic to your site
  • How to use Keysearch to find the best keywords
  • How SEO & affiliate marketing work together
  • Building an email list and keeping it engaged
  • How to use WordPress
  • How to use Pinterest
  • Blog branding
  • And much more…

There are tons of extra modules and classes that help you make the most of your blogging journey, but the main course focuses on starting, growing, and sustaining a website that brings in regular income.

Blogging fast lane

Why I Enrolled Into The Blogging Fast Lane​

I’ll be honest with you, I’m always a bit sceptical when it comes to courses. I’ve spent a heck of a lot of money on blogging courses over the years that turned out to be… very rubbish. There is always the worry that these bloggers do indeed make a lot of money, but by selling courses rather than with their actual blog.

Luckily, I was already following Tom and Anna for a few years. Adventure in You was one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own blog back in 2017 – so it was safe to say that this course wasn’t a scam.

I quit my job to work on my website and freelance full-time in the summer of 2019, so I wasn’t new to blogging. I was already making some money from it (a couple of hundred pounds a month, nothing lifechanging), but when the pandemic hit and wiped out 80% of my website traffic and all income, I decided to step it up a notch.

I knew there was still so much I didn’t know about blogging and how to build a profitable website, so I decided to learn from the best. While experimenting and figuring things out on my own had gotten me quite far, I knew the next step would be to actually invest in a mentor or a course.

And after having followed the Blogging Fast Lane course, I wish I had done it when I started blogging (that would’ve saved me so. much. headache.).

Buying the course was probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done for my site. It’s the most expensive course (apart from my degree) that I’ve ever bought, and especially at a time when my blogging income was non-existent due to the pandemic, I wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea.

But the 90-day money-back guarantee and the many positive reviews helped me make the decision: I was going to invest in my website and make it better than ever!

And I am so, so, so glad I did.

It changed the blogging game for me and it has helped me grow both my website’s traffic and income. While the pandemic definitely wasn’t the best time for travel bloggers, I was able to grow my traffic higher than pre-pandemic numbers. And before I knew it, I hit 150.000 monthly views. I was accepted onto Mediavine, which was a huge goal for me!

blogging fast lane review stats

As you can see, it’s not an overnight story. Even after buying the course, it took me three years to get to this point. However, I am convinced that without buying it, I wouldn’t be here today. It’s not just the incredible information that’s in the course, it’s having made the investment in myself.

The course also taught me to look at my website as a business and implement business models to grow and earn on auto-pilot. It’s more than adding SEO strategies and affiliate links into place, it’s also about the mindset around creating a profitable business on the internet.

It helped me turn this hobby into a full-time job. At the start of 2023, I was in the position to hire two freelance writers in Japan to help me create better (and more) content for the site. Even after paying my freelancers, I’m still earning more than I ever have in my life.

Obviously, money isn’t everything. But in this business, having a consistent stream of income from my website allows me to work wherever and whenever I want. Without it, I definitely couldn’t be planning a 3-month trip to Japan (which I am currently doing!)

I am not exaggerating when I say this course has changed my life. Going from the odd freelance job and selling stuff on eBay (the pandemic was tough!) to being so comfortable doing something I love in only a few years still blows my mind. These strategies WORK. I honestly couldn’t recommend it more!

Find out more here

Why Enrol Into The Blogging Fast Lane?​

Wondering why you should consider enrolling into the blogging fast lane? Here is why:

1. Active FB community​

One of the absolute highlights of the Blogging Fast Lane for me is the community around it. Once you enrol on the course, you also get access to their FB group. And it is a game-changer. There are so many active users in it that will give you feedback, answer questions, and hype you up.

It’s also really nice to know you’re not on your own. Blogging can be a lonely journey sometimes, but this FB community makes me feel like I’m part of a bigger group, which is super nice. I’ve met one of my best friends, Lauren, through this group too!

Tom and Anna are very active in the group – both helped me massively when I first got the course and struggled with niching down. The community helps me push through times when I feel like things are not going the right way (especially during the pandemic) and always gets me back on track.

2. Learn from experts​

One way to save yourself a lot of hassle and headaches is to learn from the experts themselves. You can get quite far with trial and error (I’ve been there!), but you can skip the queue by straight-up copying the tactics that have been proven to work.

Tom and Anna know their stuff. They tried all the strategies and know what works and what doesn’t. And they’re honest about it!

Their strategy of creating a profitable website has worked for them, but also for many of their students. And since they’re both very active in the Facebook group, you can always ask them questions if you’re stuck on something. Learning from experts is the best way to quickly get stuff done, and this course has saved me so much time.

3. Easy-to-follow blueprint on how to make a profitable website​

Even though every blog and every niche is different (which makes it so much fun to do!), the Blogging Fast Lane gives you an easy blueprint to follow. Instead of having to figure out every single step on the road to success yourself, the course will tell you exactly what to do next.

From setting up your blog and getting it live to figuring out what articles to write, how to optimize them for Google, how to monetize it, and how to keep your audience engaged through your newsletter.

The time you save by simply following this proven strategy is worth every penny the course cost. I didn’t have to worry whether any of this stuff was going to be worth my time, I knew it was going to be because I saw the proof in the FB group. So many people are seeing great success following the same strategy, so all I had to do was keep going.

And it all paid off. As long as you don’t give up and keep working on your blog with this strategy, there is no way you can fail.

4. Lifetime access​

Another thing I like about the Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator course is that you get lifetime access to it. You don’t have to rush your way through all the classes in a few weeks, you can take as long as you want.

The fact that I can also go back to any of the classes months (or years) after I made the purchase is fantastic. There is so much information in the course, it’s impossible to remember it all the first time around. So having the option to go back to some of the more advanced classes after having started to implement the first few steps is great.

I’ve recently gone through the last unit again to freshen up my email marketing knowledge. Especially with more experience under my belt, it’s amazing to go back through the course and learn things you may have missed out on previously

Anna and Tom also add new lessons to the course to make sure you’re up to date with all the latest happenings in the blogging, SEO and affiliate world. For example, they added a lesson on using AI for your blog in 2023.

5. 90-day money-back guarantee​

And lastly, knowing that I could get a full refund if I didn’t think the course was any good greatly calmed my nerves about spending money on it. At first, I wasn’t sure whether it was going to be new information as I already knew quite a lot about SEO.

Knowing that I could get my money back if the information was indeed too basic for me was great. Luckily, the course taught me so many new things and I feel like it has been worth every single penny.

Enrol now!

My Blogging Fast Lane Review: My Experience​

Let’s start by saying that I’ve bought quite a few blogging courses over the years to help me get better at what I want to do. Some of them were pretty good, while others were an absolute waste of money.

But none of them was as good as an investment as the Blogging Fast Lane.

It includes everything you need to know to start, build, and grow a profitable website. From setting up your site to implementing SEO, working with affiliate marketing, building your mailing list, and setting up systems that help you generate income while you sleep. It also helps you get into the right mindset to create a blogging business, and it comes with access to an active FB group with like-minded people.

Blogging Fast Lane Community

Before going full-time as a blogger and freelancer, I worked as a digital marketing assistant and SEO was a huge part of my job. That’s exactly why I felt confident enough to quit my job and focus on my site full-time and take on some SEO clients. But even while I already felt quite confident in my SEO abilities, the Blogging Fast Lane course helped me understand it even better and put it into a context that worked for my blog.

Especially the way it ties in with affiliate marketing. The module about how to use affiliate marketing with SEO completely changed the way that I looked at creating a profitable website. At first, my main goal was to get a ton of views and put some ads on it, but following the Blogging Fast Lane showed me that affiliate marketing is the way to go. Ads are the cherry on top.

But using some of the strategies from the Blogging Fast Lane, I was even able to up my views with ease. Even though we were still in a pandemic, and search volume for travel content was at an all-time low, I managed to grow my monthly views to a higher number than pre-pandemic numbers.

blogging fast lane review stats

Even though it looks a little longer to also start earning from those views (mainly because in the middle of a pandemic, there aren’t many people who book hotels, tours, or other travel-related products), it was so encouraging to see. Plus, it gave me a great opportunity to look at my mailing list, something I hadn’t really paid much attention to before taking this course.

I had a mailing list but there was no proper strategy behind it. I learned so much from that module, and it made me look at my mailing list as an amazing marketing tool, not just something I felt like I have to have because other bloggers had it. It made me understand why I have it, how to use it, and how it can bring in more money.

The Blogging Fast Lane is incredible for those who are new to blogging, but even with quite a bit of blogging experience, it has taught me some invaluable skills and techniques. Yes, I wish I’d bought it sooner, but even at the stage I was at, it made a world of difference.

My Interview With The Blogging Fast Lane​

Since I’ve been part of the Blogging Fast Lane community since 2020, I’ve been able to chat with Tom and Anna about my site quite a bit. I’ve asked them so many questions, and they’ve always helped me in the best way possible.

When seeing the success my blog is experiencing through the amazing strategies taught in the course, Tom interviewed me about my story. We chat about everything – from where I was when I bought the course (selling crap on eBay – it wasn’t pretty) to where I am today with it.

I won’t lie. Buying the course was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It was way too much money to spend on something at the time – it may as well have been a million dollars. When you don’t have a lot of income, anything this expensive is out of the question. But I knew I had to do something.

You can read the blog post about it here, or watch the full interview below:

Is This The Right Course For You?​

Now you know that I’ve had a very good experience with this course, would that also be the case for you?

  • You’re new to blogging: I wish I had found this course when I was completely new to blogging because it takes you from zero to owning and managing a profitable website. It explains everything, so you don’t need any prior knowledge about blogging, writing, SEO, or digital marketing.
  • You’re an intermediate blogger: If you already have a blog and know a thing or two about blogging, this course may still be a great opportunity for you. I was already blogging for a while before I bought the course, but it still changed the game for me completely. Plus, you have a 90-day money-back guarantee. So if you feel like it didn’t teach you anything new, you can get your money back.

What Niche Does It Work For?​

Obviously, Anna and Tom are travel bloggers, just like me. But the Blogging Fast Lane works for any niche.

In the FB community, there are bloggers who write about travel, lifestyle, food, weddings, DIY, and more. The course isn’t focused on how to make a profitable travel blog, it shows you how to create a profitable website in any niche.

How Long Does It Take Before I Have A Profitable Blog?​

Creating a profitable blog isn’t done overnight. It completely depends on what niche you’re in, how much time you can spend working on your blog, and a ton of other factors. But you’ll definitely see results within a few months as long as you stay consistent and stick to the blueprint.

Whether that’s an increase in views, a growing mailing list, affiliate sales, or a combination of all three. But as long as you stick with it, the strategies work perfectly. It took me around two years to get accepted onto Mediavine. Six months later, I reached 150.000 monthly views.

If you’re struggling to come up with blog posts, check out my 70+ travel blog post ideas.

Blogging Fast Lane Reviews​

But don’t just listen to me. One positive opinion about a course is a good start, but I’m not the only one who’s seen great results. One of my good blogging friends Alex from Career Gappers recommended the course to me, and I’m so grateful he did.

Here are some more Blogging Fast Lane reviews:

Blogging Fast Lane Reviews

And through the course, I made even more friends. The active Facebook community is a great place to meet like-minded people and hype each other up. It’s such a positive atmosphere!

Join the free webinar here

Conclusion: Blogging Fast Lane Review​

The Blogging Fast Lane course is 100% worth it. I’m so glad I decided to dive into it, even though buying it was one of the scariest things I’ve done for my site. It’s helped me understand SEO and affiliate marketing from a whole new level and I finally see my website as a business, rather than a fun hobby that makes a little bit of cash on the side.

I cannot wait to see where the next year will take me using the amazing techniques I learned from the Blogging Fast Lane course – and I’m sure you’ll also learn a lot from it!

Not sure where to host your website? Check out my Lyrical Host review to find out why I think it’s the best host for bloggers.
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